
Notable publication venues include Harvard University's Arnold Arboretum, The Lumiere Review, Maudlin House, Welter Journal, and more.



Between 2019-2022 Lage had 155 poems published. Currently, Lage is editing these pieces and compiling them into two collections. Updates will be posted when these works are published and available. Below, enjoy Lages selected favorites from this era.



  • The Lumiere Review We Crowned Lana Del Rey (December)
  • Ekstasis Magazine When They Come Home for Christmas (December)
  • Haikuniverse Haiku (November) (Nominated for the SFPA Dwarf Stars Awards by the 2022 Anthology Editors.)
  • seashoresHaiku (November) (Volume 7, Print)
  • University of California Chico's Watershed Review – A Teacher's View (October)
  • Paddler Press – Wedded (October) (Volume 2, "Roots & Wings", Print)
  • seashores – Haiku (April) (Volume 6, Print)
  • Ice Lolly ReviewVoices (April) (Issue 8, Page 12)
  • Akitsu Quarterly – Haiku and Haiku (March) (Spring 20201 Issue, Print)
  • Twin Pies LiteraryPie Shop (February) 
  • Wales Haiku Journal – Haiku (February) 
  • The Aurora JournalNear the Heavens (January) – Honorable Mention received for this issue.


  • Flora Fiction Magazine – Winter Days (December) (Volume 1, Issue 4, Print)
  • Nightingale & Sparrow – Sun Stained (November) (Also included in Woodland print issue)
  • The Haiku Foundation –  Haiku (November) (Connecting with Others Edition)
  • Fathom Magazine – Bruises (November)
  • The Haiku Foundation –  Haiku (November) (Hello/Goodbye Edition)
  • Telepoem Booth and Lyrica Iowa The Farmer (October) (2020 Lyrical Iowa Issue, Print) – Special Award for First-time entrant from Lyrical Iowa
  • The Haiku Foundation –  Haiku (September) (Here/There Edition)
  • The Haiku Foundation –  Haiku (July) (The Way of the Cat Edition)
  • Asylum MagazineAmid Anxiety (June) (Volume 27, Number 2, Print)
  • Harvard University's Arnold ArboretumCrabapple Haiku (Photo by Ryan Lage) 


  • Ekstasis Magazine – New Life (October)

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